Δυσεύρετες Πληροφορίες

Ηλεκτρονικά εξαρτήματα και ηλεκτρολογικό υλικό, θεωρία, πως λειτουργεί, που το βρίσκουμε, τεκμηρίωση (datasheets), βιβλιογραφία.
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

Δυσεύρετες Πληροφορίες

Post by pez »

- UPDATE - 10 Αυγούστου 2020 -
- Αλλαγή Τίτλου - Από "Hardware - Δυσεύρετες Πληροφορίες" -
- UPDATE - 5 Αυγούστου 2020 -
- Αλλαγή Τίτλου - Από "soggi's BIOS & firmware website" -
"Welcome to soggi's BIOS & firmware website!"

"... the main goal of these pages is to provide BIOS/firmware versions
and their changelogs which have been believed to be lost."

Last edited by pez on 10 Aug 2020, 19:40, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

"Lessons from Discarded Computer Architectures"

Post by pez »

"Lessons from Discarded Computer Architectures":
ώστε λοιπόν δεν ήμασταν οι μόνοι...
κι άλλοι μάθανε σαν κι εμάς...
όχι βέβαια οι πιο πολλοί...
"History of Computing. Learning from the Past":
The International Federation of Information Processing
The TC6 Open Digital Library
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu


Post by pez »

Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

A List of Links - Back in 2008

Post by pez »

Επεξεργασία της "List of Links" του Erik S. Klein
UPDATE - 6.8.2020 - 2

Εν τω μεταξύ διαπιστώθηκε πως, δυστυχώς, πρόκειται για λίστα
από τα Έτη 2004-2008

- Vintage Computing Links - A List of Links -
UPDATE - 6.8.2020

Work In Progress

OK = Alive
NO = Dead
XX = Same Name - Other Use
-- = Change of Content

- Ο Έλεγχος Συνεχίζεται -
- Έπεται η Αναζήτηση με την WayBackMachine του Archive

OK! The Computer History Museum
OK http://www.computerhistory.org/

OK The DigiBarn Computer Museum
OK http://www.digibarn.com/

NO Evan Koblentz' Technology Rewind Blog
NO http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/5673
-- https://web.archive.org/web/2016*/http: ... /node/5673

NO Technology Rewind
NO http://www.technologyrewind.com/
-- https://web.archive.org/web/2016*/http: ... ewind.com/

OK Kenbak-1 Official Site
OK http://www.kenbak-1.net/

NO The Vintage Computer and Gaming Marketplace
NO http://marketplace.vintage-computer.com/

OK www.oldcomputers.com

OK The Trailing Edge
OK http://www.trailingedge.com/index.html

OK Retro Game and Computer
-- http://retrogameandcomputer.com/

OK the First Computermuseum of Nova Scotia
OK http://www.computermuseum.20m.com/

OK Flight Simulator History - The Old Flight Simulator Vault
OK https://fshistory.simflight.com/

OK Virtual Altair Museum
OK http://virtualaltair.com/

XX The Machine Room
OK http://www.machine-room.org/

OK Herb's S-100 Stuff
OK http://retrotechnology.net/herbs_stuff/s100.html

OK Blinkenlights Archaeological Institute
OK http://www.blinkenlights.com/index.shtml

NO Jim's Computer Garage (Museum)
NO http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw/jcgm.shtml

OK The Obsolete Computer Museum
OK http://www.obsoletecomputermuseum.org/

OK LandSnail
OK http://www.landsnail.com/apple/

OK The Antique Chip Collectors Page
OK http://www.antiquetech.com/

OK The Digital Mona Lisa
OK https://www.digitalmonalisa.com/

NO Classic BASIC Games
NO http://awsoftware.org/classiccomputing.htm

OK Classic Computer Magazine Archive
OK https://www.atarimagazines.com/

OK Atari Archives
OK https://www.atariarchives.org/

OK Uncle Roger's Classic Computers
OK http://sinasohn.com/clascomp/
OK CCCCC Classic Computer Collectors Code of Conduct
OK http://sinasohn.com/clascomp/ccccc.htm

OK The Home Computer Hall of Fame
OK http://www.gondolin.org.uk/hchof/index.html

OK The Obsolete Technology Website
OK http://oldcomputers.net/

OK Applefritter
OK https://www.applefritter.com/

OK HCM - The HomeComputer Museum
OK http://www.homecomputer.de/

OK Gaby's Homepage for CP/M and Computer History
OK http://www.gaby.de/

OK Apple II History
OK https://apple2history.org/

XX Dean Graham's website, including his computer collection
XX www.clannet.co.uk/vintage/

OK John Elliot's Homepage
XX http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/
OK http://www.seasip.info/index.html

OK The RetroArchive
OK http://www.retroarchive.org/

OK CP/M Source
OK http://www.cpm.z80.de/

XX The Software Museum
XX http://museum.sysun.com/museum/index.html

XX Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
XX http://members.fortunecity.com/pcmuseum/complist.html

OK Uncreative Labs
OK http://www.uncreativelabs.net/

OK The Topeka Computing Museum
OK http://www.gateman.com/museum/

OK Port Commodore
OK https://portcommodore.com/dokuwiki/doku.php

OK Binary Dinosaurs
OK http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/

OK Paul Coad's Vintage Computer Collection
OK http://www.sonic.net/~coad/machines.html

OK Paul Pierce's Computer Collection
OK http://www.piercefuller.com/collect/index.html

OK "Computer Collection"
OK http://web.ncf.ca/ba600/

OK Sothius' Home of Ancient Microcomputers
-- http://www.sothius.com/

OK Rune's PC-Museum
OK http://pc-museum.com/

NO Mike's Virtual Computer Museum
NO personal.nbnet.nb.ca/mclays/permuse.html

OK Old Computers
XX http://www.oldcomputers.co.uk/

OK Allard's Computermuseum Groningen
-- http://www.computermuseumgroningen.nl/

OK Pocket Computing
OK http://cdecas.free.fr/computers/pocket/collection.php

OK The Pocket Computer Museum
OK http://www.pocketmuseum.com/

OK Obsolyte
OK http://www.obsolyte.com/

OK Reale-Rydell Computer Museum
OK http://www.minotaurz.com/compmuse/

OK Online Vintage Computer Magazine
OK https://www.8bit-micro.com/

OK Aquarius
OK https://www.vdsteenoven.com/aquarius/

OK Stefan's Old Computer Stuff
OK http://www.mansier.net/

OK Retro-Trader.com
OK http://www.retro-trader.com/

OK ACT Apricot Support Site
OK http://www.actapricot.org/home/

OK Aquarius Home Computer System
OK https://www.vdsteenoven.com/aquarius/

OK System.cfg - a home computer site
OK https://www.system-cfg.com/

OK Retrosoftware
OK http://retrosoftware.net/

OK http://www.computerverzameling.nl (Retro Computer Collecting)
OK http://www.computerverzameling.nl/

OK YesterPC
OK https://www.yesterpc.com/

NO Stuff Nobody Uses
NO http://www.haddockdot.co.uk/

NO My Totally Awesome Collection - Jordan B.
NO http://mtac.profusehost.net/

OK Finnish Old Computers Site

OK Krishnasoft
OK http://www.krishnasoft.com/sps.htm

OK Retro PC and Arcade Gaming
OK http://retro-pc-arcade-gaming.blogspot.com/

NO Mike Loewen Old Technology Collection
NO http://sturgeon.css.psu.edu/~mloewen/Oldtech/

NO Vintage Computer Bits
NO http://vintagecomputerbits.com/

OK Vintage Game Site
OK http://www.vintagegamesite.com/

OK EDUC-8 Microcomputer
OK http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/educ-8/

NO Vintage IBM
NO http://www.ibm5150pc.com/

OK Old Computer Mags
OK http://www.old-computer-mags.com/

OK The MCC Workshop
OK http://mccworkshop.com/

OK The Jim Austin Computer Collection
OK http://www.computermuseum.org.uk/

OK Collectible Detective
OK http://www.collectibledetective.com/

OK The Personal Computer Museum
OK http://www.pcmuseum.ca/

OK Home of the Z80 N.E.
OK http://www.z80ne.com/

OK EraseReality
OK http://www.erasereality.3x.ro/projects.htm

OK Sinclair ZX81 Collection
OK http://zx81.atspace.com/
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

IBM 51xx PC Family Computers

Post by pez »

Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

Re: Δυσεύρετες Πληροφορίες

Post by pez »

Principia Computoria
Technical Site Index
Αν και λέει "Copyright 1996-2005 by Paul Hsieh", υπάρχει εν τούτοις
ενημέρωση τουλάχιστον έως τις 6 Νοεμβρίου 2016, όπως π.χ. εδώ:

The WATCOM C/C++ Programmer's FAQ
Αλλά και για την FORTRAN υπάρχουν την στιγμή αυτή 53 θέματα,
που τα βρίσκουμε ορίζοντας ως λήμμα: [FORTRAN], στο google
search του site, ήτοι διατηρώντας την προεπιλογή:

(ο) Search azillionmonkeys.com

στην ως άνω σελίδα Principia Computoria
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

Εκ των Ων Ουκ Άνευ - Σύστημα Επικύρωσης Compiler FORTRAN 77

Post by pez »

- Αυτό το αναζητούσαμε από ετών πάρα πολλών. Σού βγαίνει η ψυχή να
στήσεις ένα πρόγραμμα μαθηματικών υπολογισμών. FORTRAN 77. Λάθη.
Παλεύεις την αποσφαλμάτωση. Φτάνεις σε αδιέξοδο.

- Μήπως Φταίει Ο Compiler;
= Εκ των Ων Ουκ Άνευ - Sine Qua Non :

= A Fortran 77 Test Suite - Fortran Compiler Validation System - Version 2.1
- by NIST:

(1) Source Code - (2) User's Guide
- Επιτέλους! Μεγάλη Υπόθεση. Κυβερνητική. Κυριολεκτικά. Αποφασιστικό
Κριτήριο Επιλογής και Έγκρισης Προμήθειας.

= FCVS. Fortran Compiler Validation System.
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

Main Freeware Sites

Post by pez »

| Sent......: Sunday, August 30, 2020 10:44
| Subject...: Main Freeware Sites
| Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
| From......: "wasbit" <wasbitremove@hotmail.com>
| Freeware - Sites
| * = Not all free (not complete)
| #######################
| The Main Download sites
| Chip.EU - http://download.chip.eu/en/
| Cnet* - http://download.cnet.com/windows/
| CodePlex - http://www.codeplex.com/
| Download.com - www.download.com
| FileHippo - http://www.filehippo.com/
| FreeDownloadCentre* - www.freedownloadscenter.com
| Freeware World Team - now Primewares
| Gizmo's Freeware - http://www.techsupportalert.com/
| Major Geeks* - http://www.majorgeeks.com/
| Microsoft - www.microsoft.com/downloads/
| Nonags - http://www.nonags.com/
| OSSwin (Open Source) - http://osswin.sourceforge.net/
| OStatic* - http://ostatic.com/
| PcWorld* - http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/
| Priclessware - http://www.pricelessware.org/thelist/index.htm
| Primewares - http://primewares.com/
| SnapFiles* - http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/
| Sofotex - http://www.sofotex.com/freeware.html
| Soft32 - www.soft32.com
| Softpedia* - http://www.softpedia.com/
| Sourceforge - http://sourceforge.net/
| Tucows* - www.tucows.com/
| Zdnet - downloads-zdnet.com
| ------------
| Old Versions
| Disappeared sites - http://www.searchlores.org/fu_speci.htm#disapp
| Internet Archive - http://www.archive.org/index.php
| Last Freeware Version - http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html
| Old Apps - http://www.oldapps.com/
| Old-Software - http://www.old-software.com/
| Old Version.com - http://www.oldversion.com/
| Old-Versions.net - http://old-versions.net/
| Old-Versions.org - http://www.old-versions.org/
| OldWare - http://www.oldware.org/
| Similar Site Search - http://www.similarsitesearch.com/
| Version Download - http://www.versiondownload.com/
| Vetusware - http://vetusware.com/
| Wayback Machine - http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
| ###################################
| 1-4a - http://www.1-4a.com/
| 100 Downloads - http://100-downloads.com/
| 1000 files* - http://www.1000files.com/
| 2-software - http://www.2-software.net/
| 2BrightSparks* - http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/index.html
| 321download (= Last Freeware Version) -
| http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html
| 450+ common problems solved -
| http://www.econsultant.com/i-want-freeware-utilities/
| 46 Best freeware -
| http://www.techsupportalert.com/best_46 ... lities.htm
| A+ Freeware - http://www.aplusfreeware.com/
| A Kaestner (98+dos,German) - http://a-kaestner.de/
| AbleStable - http://www.ablestable.com/resources/free/free.html
| Absolute Free Software - http://www.absolutefreesoftware.co.uk/
| Absolute Freebies - http://www.absolutefreebies.com/best_freeware.html
| Absolute Freeware (Arjan) - http://www.arjan.org/
| AbsolutelyFreebies -
| http://www.absolutelyfreebies.com/downl ... Categories
| AbsolutelyFreeware - http://www.absolutelyfreeware.com/
| Axcel216 (now MDGx) - http://www.mdgx.com/
| ACF wiki (Hard-to-find list) - http://acfwiki.pbwiki.com/FileArchives
| ACF wiki (No-install list) - http://acfwiki.pbwiki.com/NoInstallFreeware
| ADRAS - http://www.adras.com/Freeware.s81.html
| Adrian Carter - http://www.homestead.com/adriancarter/Index.html
| AfterDawn* - http://www.afterdawn.com/software/
| Alex Nolan - http://www.alexnolan.net/software/
| Alex Vallet - http://www.byalexv.co.uk/
| All Freeware - http://www.all-freeware.com/
| AnalogX - http://www.analogx.com/
| Antoine - http://www.freewarefrance.com/
| Arjan - http://www.arjan.org/
| Audiosoft - http://www.audiosoft.info/Free/
| AumHa Freeware Portal - http://aumha.org/freeware/freeware.php#restore
| BA Roberson - http://brian.arthur.robertson.googlepag ... eesoftware
| BearWare - http://bearware.info/archive.html
| Ben Ritchley (cMech) - http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
| Benchmark HQ - http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/english.html
| Best Freeware (vbmark) - http://www.vbmark.com/
| Best Freeware Download - http://www.bestfreewaredownload.com/
| Better Windows Software* - http://betterwindowssoftware.com/bwshome.php
| Blue Five - http://bluefive.pair.com/free_computer_software.htm
| Bob's Freeware - http://bellsouthpwp2.net/b/o/bobad/
| Bodo Wolff - http://www.bodo-wolff.de/?tu=Home
| BoostWare - http://www.boostware.com/
| Brothersoft* - http://freeware.brothersoft.com/
| Browser Tools* - http://browsertools.net/downloads.html
| Bt Square peg - http://members.tripod.com/square_peg/freestuff/
| Buzzy - http://www.buzzys.net/
| Caiman free games - http://www.caiman.us/
| Camera & Mini Drives Data Recovery -
| http://www.s2services.com/cameraundeletefreeware.htm
| Camtech* - http://camtech2000.net/
| Canadian Content - http://www.canadiancontent.net/tech/freeware/
| Centralsoftware - http://freeware79.googlepages.com/
| Chris's (AI,95 & dos) - http://chris.mysteryfcm.co.uk/
| Clark Howard -
| http://www.clarkhoward.com/news/clark-h ... rnet/nFgG/
| Cleansoftware - http://www.cleansoftware.org/
| Click-now* - http://www.click-now.net/downloads.htm
| Clif Notes - http://freewarewiki.pbworks.com/
| cMech = Ben Ritchley
| CodePlex - http://www.codeplex.com/
| Coma's Freeware - http://www.algonet.se/~hubbabub/freeware/freeware.html
| Completely Free Software (CFS) - http://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/
| Compufiles - http://www.compufiles.com/av.html
| ComputerBoom.com -
| Computer Games - http://www.com-games.com/
| Concise Freeware - http://www.concisefreeware.com/
| Crazy Pixels - http://www.crazypixels.com/freeware.htm
| Curtis Land - http://www.telusplanet.net/public/curtnel/
| Cute Apps* - http://www.cuteapps.com/
| Cylog - http://www.cylog.org/index.asp
| Danish Shareware* - http://www.danish-shareware.dk/
| Data recovery (socrtwo) - http://www.s2services.com/
| Dave's Computer Tips - http://www.davescomputertips.com/index.php
| Decent Downloads - http://www.freedecentdownloads.com/
| Deepesh Agarwal software - http://www.freeware-alternative.uni.cc/
| DigitalArena - http://www.digitalarena.co.uk/
| Digital Digest* - http://www.digital-digest.com/software/listall.php
| Dirfile - http://www.dirfile.com/
| Dirk Loss - http://www.dirk-loss.de/win-tools.htm
| Dmoz - http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Freeware/
| Doc's Downloads* - http://www.docsdownloads.com/
| Donation Coder - http://www.donationcoder.com/
| Don't Crack (audio freeware) - http://www.dontcrack.com/freeware/
| Download.com* - http://www.download.com/
| Download32 - http://www.download32.com/
| Download AtoZ* - http://www.downloadatoz.com/
| Download Center24 - http://downloadcenter24.com/updates/
| Download Dossier - http://www.downloaddossier.com/www/dl/index.php
| DownloadPlex - http://www.downloadplex.com/
| Downloads 3k* - http://www.download3k.com/
| Downloads.com - www.download.com
| Downloads Machine - http://www.ftpmachine.co.uk/
| Dragon Freeware - http://www.dragonfreeware.com/
| Dr Freeware - http://drfreeware.com/
| Dubber's Computer Resources - http://dubber6.tripod.com/whereisit/index.html
| Dutch Jewel - http://thedutchjewel.defcon5.biz/index.html
| Elmer's* - http://www.syix.com/elmer/index.htm
| Emule - http://software.emule.com/
| Encoderx - http://encoderx.co.uk/
| Fantastic Freeware (Jason Von Ruden) - http://www.fantasticfreeware.com/
| Fatwallet - http://www.fatwallet.com/t/28/511697/
| FileFlash* - http://www.fileflash.com/
| FileForum - http://fileforum.betanews.com/
| File Hippo - http://www.filehippo.com/
| Filehorse - http://www.filehorse.com/
| FileHungry - http://www.filehungry.com/english/
| Filepuma - https://www.filepuma.com/
| Files32* - http://www.files32.com/
| Filesland* - http://www.filesland.com/
| FilesRiver - http://www.filesriver.com/
| Filetransit* - http://www.filetransit.com/
| Fixdisk - http://www.fixdisk.co.uk/
| Free Codecs* - http://www.free-codecs.com/index-Freeware.htm
| Free Country - see TheFreeCountry
| FreeDownloadCentre* - www.freedownloadscenter.com
| Free Downloads* - www.free-downloads.net/
| FreeDownloads* - http://www.freedownloads.be/
| Free email software -
| http://www.thefreesite.com/Email_Freebi ... _software/
| Free Geekery -
| http://www.rewardprograms.org/thefreege ... needs.html
| Free Network Tools - http://www.nsauditor.com/freeware/index.html
| Free Programming Tools -
| http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/utility.html
| Free Software for Dos - http://www.glennmcc.org/
| Free Stuff - http://www.refdesk.com/free.html
| Free Tools - http://www.spadixbd.com/freetools/
| FreebieList.com - http://www.freebielist.com/
| Freebyte - http://www.freebyte.com/
| Free-Codecs.com - http://www.free-codecs.com/index-Freeware.htm
| Freesoft411 - http://www.freesoft411.com/
| FreeSoftware4All - http://www.freesoftware4all.co.uk/
| FreeSoftwareHome - http://www.freesoftwarehome.com/
| Free-Software-Downloads - http://free-software-downloads.org/
| FreeSoftwareDownloadBlogspot - http://freesofwaredownload.blogspot.com/
| Freeware 4PC - http://www.freeware4pc.com/listall.shtml
| Freeware 4u (burnr) - http://freeware4u.com/
| Freeware 79 - http://freeware79.googlepages.com/
| Freeware 98 - http://www.freeware98.org/
| Freeware-Alternative - http://www.freeware-alternative.uni.cc/
| Freeware Arena - http://www.freewarearena.com/html/
| Freeware Asylum - http://freewareasylum.com/home/
| Freeware Beast - http://www.freewarebeast.com/
| Freeware Box - http://www.freewarebox.com/
| Freeware Catalog - http://freeware.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
| Freeware de.(German) - http://www.freeware.de/downloads/
| Freeware Directory - http://www.freewaredirectory.net/
| Freeware Eldorado - http://fware-eldorado.8k.com/
| Freeware Everywhere -
| http://www.oocities.com/siliconvalley/h ... ndex2.html
| Freeware Files - http://www.freewarefiles.com/
| Freeware Files Collection - http://sundrytools.com/freeware-files/
| Freeware Find (closed) - http://www.freewarefind.com/
| Freeware Fonts - http://www.freewarefonts.com/
| Freeware for Pc - http://www.freeware4pc.com/
| Freeware for Palm Pc - http://www.freewarepalm.com/
| Freeware for Pocket pc - http://www.freewareppc.com/
| Freeware Gamer - http://www.freewaregamer.com/
| Freeware Genius - http://freewaregenius.com/
| Freeware Graveyard - http://fwg.raum108.de/
| Freeware Guide (Thorsten Duhn) - http://www.freeware-guide.com/
| Freeware Hits -
| Freeware Home - http://www.freewarehome.com/
| Freeware Java - http://www.freewarejava.com/
| Freeware list - http://freewarelist.net/
| - http://freewarelist.net/sitemap.html
| - http://www.freewarelist.com/
| - http://www.freewarelist.com/exitpaged/Technology.php
| Freeware Mission - http://www.freewaremission.com/best-freeware/
| Freeware Network - http://www.fwnetwork.com/
| Freewareone - http://freewareone.com
| Freeware Outpost - http://freewareoutpost1.blogspot.com/
| Freeware Pharmacy - http://www.freewarepharmacy.com/
| Freeware Planet - http://www.freewareplanet.net/
| Freeware Pro - http://www.freewarepro.com/
| Freeware pub - http://www.freewarepub.org/
| Freeware Software - http://www.howtonew.com/
| Freeware Stop - http://www.freewarestop.com/
| Freeware Wiki - http://freewarewiki.pbwiki.com/
| Freeware World Team (now Primewares) -
| http://primewares.com/links.php?notice=on
| Freeware Zoom - http://www.freewarezoom.com/
| Freeware sites (old) -
| http://web.archive.org/web/200503030151 ... sites.html
| FreeWR - http://www.freewr.com/
| Fresh Devices* - http://freshdevices.com/files.php
| Freshmeat - http://freshmeat.net/
| FromAtoZdownloads* -
| http://www.azdownloads.info/Utilities/P ... -Recovery/
| FSF/UNESCO - http://directory.fsf.org/all/
| FutureQuest - http://service.futurequest.net/index.ph ... ds&_a=view
| GameHippo - http://gamehippo.com/
| Gary Beene - http://www.garybeene.com/free/fr-freeware.htm
| George Dillon - http://www.georgedillon.com/freeware/freeware.shtml
| GhostHunter - http://ghosthunter.true.ws/
| Gizmo's Freeware - http://www.techsupportalert.com/
| - http://www.techsupportalert.com/user-lists
| GlennMCC - http://www.glennmcc.org/
| Golden's Webwatchers - http://freehomepages1.tripod.com/freewaremain.html
| Gratilog (Ninou,French) - http://www.gratilog.net/xoops/
| GRC - http://www.grc.com/freepopular.htm
| GT Download - http://www.gtdownload.com
| HDClone - http://www.miray.de/products/sat.hdclone.html#free
| Henry The Mole (The Molezone) - http://htmole.altervista.org/mainpage.htm
| Hiren & Pankaj - http://www.hiren.info/
| - http://www.hiren.info/downloads/freeware-tools/1
| HsinLin - http://www.hsinlin.com/index.html
| Humperlinks(kids) - www.humpherlinks.co.uk/
| Inky's (Josh Mayfield) - http://inky.50megs.com/myprograms.html
| Iobit - http://iobit.com/
| IT Pro* - http://itprodownloads.com/
| iTips - http://www.itips.nl/eng/
| J44xm's Favorite Windows Freeware -
| Jeh's freeware - http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/freeware/
| Jeh's Webtools - http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/webtools/
| Jumbo* - http://www.jumbo.com/
| Just Download - http://just-download.com/
| Karen's PowerTools - http://www.karenware.com/
| -
| https://web.archive.org/web/20170619112 ... powertools
| Katho.be = http://www.freewarepub.org/
| Kids freeware - http://kidsfreeware.com/
| Kikizas.net - http://www.kikizas.net/en/
| kikizas (usb apps) - http://www.kikizas.net/en/usbapps.html
| Kool Lite Tools - http://www.klitetools.com/
| Lankansoft - www.lankansoft.com
| Last Freeware Version - http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html
| List of OS software -
| https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms
| List of Lists - http://lists.thedatalist.com/
| Loop (List of Open Source Programs for Windows) -
| https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms
| Macallan - http://macallan.club.fr/MMS/index.html
| Mad-Monkey - http://www.mad-monkey.co.uk/cgi-bin/default.pl?03,home,
| MajorGeeks* - http://www.majorgeeks.com/
| Making Music (3 part freeware blog)
| -
| http://making-music.blogspot.com/2006/0 ... tware.html
| Mark Overmars - http://www.cs.uu.nl/~markov/kids/index.html
| MDGx (was Axcel216) - http://www.mdgx.com/
| Mercury - http://www.mercury.org.uk/interind.htm
| Merijn.org - http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/programs.php
| Microsoft - www.microsoft.com/downloads/
| Microsoft Powertoys -
| http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/down ... rtoys.mspx
| Mighty Joe's - http://mightyjoesfree.blogspot.com/
| Miha's Utilities - http://www.mihov.com/eng/
| Mike Lin's - http://www.mlin.net/index.shtml
| Mikey's -
| http://www.softcom.net/users/mikey719/a ... -page.html
| MiTeC (f+s) - http://www.mitec.cz/
| Mohawke's Best -
| http://www.digitaldarknet.net/thelist/i ... ge=windows
| Music freeware - http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/freeware/XP/
| - Hitsquad - http://www.hitsquad.com/prevhitsquadfront/
| MustHaveCd - http://www.musthavecd.com/
| MyFreePrograms - http://www.myfreeprograms.com/
| Myzips* - http://www.myzips.com/
| Nearfile - https://nearfile.com/
| NedWolf - http://nedwolf.com/
| Netbook Files.com - http://www.netbookfiles.com/
| Network DLS - http://networkdls.com/
| New Freeware - http://www.nfreeware.com/
| Ninite - see Installers
| NirSoft - http://www.nirsoft.net/
| N01getsout - http://www.n01getsout.com/
| Nonags - http://www.nonags.com/
| Nondisputandum - http://www.nondisputandum.com/
| Nsane - http://www.nsaneproductions.com/
| Old Apps - http://www.oldapps.com/
| Older Geeks - https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/index.php
| OldVersion - http://www.oldversion.com/
| Only Freeware - http://freeware.intrastar.net/
| Only Freewares - http://www.onlyfreewares.com/
| Onlythebest - http://www.onlythebestfreeware.com/
| Open Directory -
| http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_ ... Redirects/
| Open Cd (no longer developed) - http://theopencd.org/
| OpenSource Free Cd - http://www.opensourcefreecd.org/
| Opensource Freeware -
| http://www.econsultant.com/i-want-open- ... index.html
| Open Source God - http://mashable.com/2007/09/23/open-source/
| OpenSource Windows - http://www.opensourcewindows.org/
| Openwares - http://www.openwares.org/
| Osswin - http://osswin.sourceforge.net/
| Otter Dad - http://www.nettally.com/waldoe/freeware/
| Outside The Box (Douglas Good) - http://otbsw.com/
| Paehl - http://www.paehl.de
| - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... NJSjYzbEk=
| PC Advisor (UK mag) - http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/downloads/windows/
| PcMedix - http://www.pcmedixwebs.com/download.htm
| Pc-tools (Jim Berkes) - http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/
| Pc Freeware - http://www.pcpages.com/pcfreeware/
| PC Utilities (Uk mag) - http://www.magnesiummedia.com/pcutilities/
| Pcwin* - http://pcwin.com/
| PcWorld* - http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/
| Photo-Freeware - http://www.photo-freeware.net/
| Photoshoppix top 300 freeware (slow) -
| http://www.photoshoppix.com/Content/pid=131.html
| PocketDownload - http://www.pocketdownload.com
| Poko's - http://manitoulinislandindex.com/
| Portable Apps - http://portableapps.com/
| Portable freeware - http://portablefreeware.com/
| Pricelessware (now hosted at) -
| http://www.manitoulinislandindex.com/re ... eware.html
| Pricelessware (original) - http://www.pricelessware.org
| ProgramFiles* - http://www.programfiles.com/
| Prospector (Word Processing) - http://www.prospector.cz/Freeware/
| Qleeq* - http://qleeq.com/index.php
| Quality Windows 3.x freeware -
| Qweas* - http://www.qweas.com/os/freeware/
| Radified - http://radified.com/Articles/freeware.htm
| Real Free Software - http://www.realfreesoftware.com/
| Real Freeware (Doys) - http://freeware-us.doy.nl/
| ReallyEffective - http://www.reallyeffective.co.uk/index.php
| ReallyRare(audio)Wares - http://www.rjamorim.com/rrw/programs.html
| Reboot Pro - http://reboot.pro/files/
| Safe Free Software - http://www.safefreesoftware.com/
| SafeWorld* - http://soft.safeworld.info/catalog.asp
| Scott's Freeware Goodies - no longer active
| Scovetta (Michael) Archives - http://www.scovetta.com/tools.html
| Seek Freeware - http://www.seekfreeware.com/
| Select freeware - http://www.selectfreeware.com/
| Serif free software - http://www.freeserifsoftware.com/
| Sixfiles - http://www.sixfiles.com/freeware.php
| Slovak Antivirus Centre* - http://www.sac.sk/
| - http://esca.atomki.hu/paradise/sac/utiltext.html
| Small Simple Software - http://www.smallsimplesoftware.com/
| Snapfiles* - http://www.snapfiles.com/
| Snapfiles Freeware - http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/freeware.html
| SofoTex - http://www.sofotex.com/freeware.html
| Soft32 - www.soft32.com
| SoftBulldog - http://www.softbulldog.com/
| Softpedia* - http://www.softpedia.com/
| Soft Tester* - http://www.softtester.com/
| Software4free - http://www.software4free.nl/
| Software & Games* - http://www.softwareandgames.com/
| Software Archive* - http://www.archive.org/details/software
| Software for Starving Students(cd) - http://softwarefor.org/faq.html
| Software Villa - https://www.softwarevilla.com/
| SourceForge - http://sourceforge.net/
| Starburst - http://www.starburst2005.com/index.html
| Statistical freeware - http://statistiksoftware.com/free_software.html
| Sticksite - http://www.sticksite.com/freeware/
| Stuff - http://stuff.goatdairying.com/howto/howto.html
| Superfiles - http://www.superfiles.com/
| Sysinternals(now MS) -
| http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysint ... fault.mspx
| TechRepublic -
| http://software.techrepublic.com.com/se ... ilter=free
| TechSpot - http://www.techspot.com/downloads.html
| Tech Support Alert = Gizmo's
| TeraByte(boot/image) - http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/utilities.html
| TheAllINeed - http://www.theallineed.com/freeware/
| TheCaveFreeware - http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/bat/
| TheFreeCountry - http://www.thefreecountry.com/
| TheFreeSite - http://www.thefreesite.com/
| TheFreewareMotherload - now Select Freeware (http://www.selectfreeware.com/)
| TheFreewareSite - http://www.thefreewaresite.com/
| TheFreeWeb (closed) - http://www.thefreeweb.net/
| The Mole Zone (Henry The Mole) - http://htmole.altervista.org/mainpage.htm
| The Software Patch - http://www.softwarepatch.com/index.html
| The Windows Club -
| http://www.thewindowsclub.com/list-free ... ndows-club
| Tiny apps - http://www.tinyapps.org/
| Tonys Freewarepage - http://www.tonysfreeware.com/
| Top20 Free - http://www.top20free.com/software.html
| Top 300 - http://www.winaddons.com/top-300-freeware-software/
| TopDownloads* - http://www.topdownloads.net/
| Top Freeware (tf76) - http://www.topfreeware.net/
| TopQualityFreeware - http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/
| Tsm - http://www.tsm-soft.com/
| TTCS Osswin Cd - http://www.ttcsweb.org/osswin-cd/index.htm
| Tucows* - http://www.tucows.com/Windows
| Tudogs(req sign up) - http://www.tudogs.com/
| Twinklesoft - http://www.twinklesoft.com/index.html
| UBCD - http://www.ubcd4win.com/index.htm
| Ubuntu Looplist(ok for Windows) -
| https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms
| Under 100kb - http://321download.com/under100/
| Ur I.T. Mate Group (Steven Burn) - http://www.it-mate.co.uk/
| Utility Geek* - http://www.utilitygeek.com/index.php
| Vetusware (abandonware) - http://vetusware.com/
| Vicky's Cool Softwares - http://www.vcsoftwares.com/
| VicMan Software - http://www.vicman.net/lib/
| Voodoo files* - http://www.voodoofiles.com/
| Wantdbest - http://www.wantdbest.com/
| Warsoft* - http://www.ware8.com/
| WebAttack(now Snapfiles) - www.snapfiles.com/
| WebGrid - http://www.webgrid.co.uk/
| Wikipedia list -
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_op ... e_packages
| WinAddons* - http://www.winaddons.com/
| Windows 7 Download - http://www.windows7download.com/
| Windows Toolbox - http://thegoldenear.org/toolbox/windows/
| Winfiles - http://www.winfiles.com/
| WinSite - http://www.winsite.com/
| WinTotal(German) - http://www.wintotal.de/Software/
| Witts End oldies but Goodies Freeware -
| http://www.wittswallpapers.com/Oldies/indexoldies.html
| Wounded Moon (now hosted at) -
| http://www.manitoulinislandindex.com/wo ... irror.html
| xpefiles - http://xpefiles.com/cs/
| Yesit'sfree - http://www.yesitsfree.co.uk/
| Zdnet*(& Cnet) - http://downloads.zdnet.com/
| Zhorn (Tom Revell) - http://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/index.html
| --
| Regards
| wasbit
Posts: 968
Joined: 03 Jul 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Location: eu

Μιγαδικοί Αριθμοί και Φυσική Πραγματικότητα - Οι Έννοιες Ποσότητα και Αριθμός

Post by pez »

"Complex Numbers and Physical Reality"


1. The A.I. Kolmogorov On the concepts of quantity and number. Collection "Historical and mathematical investigations", Issue 32-33, Science, 1990

Από τον Kolmogorov - Τον Μέγα - Κι όχι μόνον στην σοβιετική ένωση - Βρέθηκε - Μετά από μήνες αναζήτησης - Αλλά ποιος ξέρει ρωσικά; - Όποιος, σαν κι εμάς, δεν ξέρει, έχει πια μερικές ευκαιρίες να δοκιμάσει την τύχη του παλεύοντάς το - Πέραν του google translator, υπάρχει τουλάχιστον άλλο ένα site που μεταφράζει αυτόματα από τα ρωσικά στα αγγλικά - Αλλά θέλει html - Κι αυτό είναι σε pdf εικόνες - Ασύμμετρα φωτισμένες κατά περίπου 1 με 2 έβδομα, αριστερά λοξά, μπορεί και παραπάνω - Το OCR του PDF-Xchange "αναγνωρίζει" τα άλλα 5 ή 6 έβδομα, μπορεί και λιγότερα - Ας πούμε πως μετά από ώρες βγάλαμε κάποιο νόημα από την πρώτη σελίδα - Πες τα ιερογλυφικά, το ίδιο μάς κάνει... : )


Την στιγμή αυτή μάς φαίνεται πως σαν να μπορεί να πρόκειται για σημειώσεις από σεμινάριο του 1923 (γεννήθηκε το 1903) που είτε είναι ιδιόχειρες, είτε τις κράτησαν τρίτοι, ακροατές. Φαίνεται σαν μην είχε εκδοθεί μέχρι το 1990.

Από μια πρώτη ματιά, δεν φαίνεται να περιλαμβάνεται στην τρίτομη μετάφραση, εκδοθείσα κατά την τριετία 1987-1993, από τα ρωσικά στα αγγλικά, επιλεγμένων Εργασιών του - Πολλές... - 200; - Θα πάμε να τις μετρήσουμε, από τις περίπου 500 - "Επί Σχεδόν Παντός Μαθηματικού Επιστητού".

Φοβερά ενδιαφέρον.


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