Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

Δεν είστε σίγουροι για την κατηγορία του δικού σας "Νέου θέματος"; Δημιουργήστε το εδώ!
Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu

Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

Δημοσίευση από pez »

| Sunday, October 02, 2016 19:28 PM
| [lc] * Για τους lc-συνδρομητές * d;^D * 423 Pdf Pages *
| * Freeware Internet - Χωρίς Γκούγλη - Links * 
| [lc] [acf] Wasbit's Freeware Lists - Update
| Thursday, September 29, 2016 16:17 PM
| =
| Sent...: Sunday, October 02, 2016 18:57 PM
| Subject: wasbitlists
| To.....: wasbit
| From...: pez
| =
|  app.box.com/v/wasbitlists
| Congratulations. Accept, please, the attached pdf version.
| Sincerely, pez
| op4.eu/fora/acf/wasbit816.pdf
| wasbit816.pdf - 3.36 ΜΒ
| Μας πήρε 3 με 4 ώρες για να τα συμμαζέψουμε όλα αυτά, αλλά :
| Χ α λ ά λ ι  τ ο υ !
| * 423 Pdf Pages * Freeware Internet - Χωρίς Γκούγλη - Links *
| ***********************************
| ***********************************
|  : )
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το μέλος pez την 31 Αύγ 2020, 01:12, έχει επεξεργασθεί 4 φορές συνολικά.
Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu

[2] 2016 : Μικραίνουμε το καλάθι του 2010... - Re: Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

Δημοσίευση από pez »

- 2016 : Μικραίνουμε το καλάθι του 2010...

Στην πρώτη - από τις 153 - λίστες του [wasbit816.pdf]:

Animation : Δ ι ο ρ θ ώ σ ε ι ς
PDF Pages : 7, 8 of 423 του [wasbit816.pdf]:


όπου, με:

Κόκκινο : Page Not-found
Κίτρινο : Page|Application Probably Non-Exist
Πράσινο : Repetitions

Απογοητευτικό, "κάπως", ε;

: |

Και με την ευκαιρία, να πούμε πως κάναμε και μια αντιγραφή του 
αρχικού [wasbit816.pdf] από το:  

και στο google drive:
wasbit816.pdf (3.36 ΜΒ)

Επίσης, με την ίδια ευκαιρία, να πούμε κι ότι τώρα που έκλεισε και 
το news.grnet.gr, αναγκαστήκαμε κι εμείς να πάμε - πού αλλού; - 
στο USENET του Google:

Τέλος πάντων... Πάμε παρακάτω...
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το μέλος pez την 09 Οκτ 2016, 14:30, έχει επεξεργασθεί 1 φορά συνολικά.
Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu

[3] FUB: 10 ε/y "Γνήσιο" USENET - Re: Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

Δημοσίευση από pez »

| [lc] [acf] FUB: 10 ε/y "Γνήσιο" USENET -
| Re: Τέλος Εποχής : [news.grnet.gr]
| Saturday, October 08, 2016 08:41 AM
|| Thursday, September 15, 2016 16:01 PM
|| [lc] Τέλος Εποχής : [news.grnet.gr]
||  Ιούλιος 2016
|| news.grnet.gr
Η σελίδα δεν είναι διαθέσιμη καθώς η υπηρεσία news.grnet.gr 
καταργείται από τον Ιούλιο 2016.
Ευχαριστούμε για την κατανόηση. NOC ΕΔΕΤ"
| Το Ελεύθερο Πανεπιστήμιο του Βερολίνου παρέχει - έναντι 
| 10 Ευρώ τον Χρόνο * - "Γνήσια" Επικοινωνία Write-Read, 
| στα ακόλουθα "Γνήσια" newsgroups:
| ftp.fu-berlin.de/doc/news/fu-berlin/active
| του "Γνήσιου" USENET:
| news.individual.net/rules.php
| "Όσοι Πιστοί Προσέλθετε".
|* groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.comp.freeware/obBWEQNdYwo

Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu

Για windows 10 - Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά ! [4]

Δημοσίευση από pez »

- Αναφορικά με τους τρόπους αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων των windows,
που υπάρχουν σε διάσπαρτα θέματα συζήτησης στο forum όπως είναι,
για παράδειγμα, και αυτό : Windows 10 UEFI/GPT dual boot μέσω grub,
θα ήθελα να υποδείξω την ύπαρξη - την οποία πληροφορήθηκα προχθές
από μήνυμα στο [alt.comp.freeware] - των παρακάτω τριών 3 ανεξαρτήτων
usenet groups για windows - πέραν δηλαδή από τα αγνώστου τρέχουσας
συμμετοχής "επίσημα" εκείνα, που φέρουν στην ονομασία τους το πρόθεμα
: "ms" - τα οποία μάλιστα είναι, όπως διαπιστώνω, και πάρα πολύ
"δραστήρια" :


: )

- Πέτρος Ζιμουρτόπουλος
Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu


Δημοσίευση από pez »

Η σύνταξη και δημοσίευση του μηνύματος : Main Freeware Sites
στο συγγενές θέμα υπό τον γενικό τίτλο Δυσεύρετες Πληροφορίες,
μάς θύμισε την δημοσίευση του 2016 εδώ, οπότε κι έχουμε:



Οδηγίες που ισχύουν την στιγμή αυτή - τουλάχιστον :

Πάμε πάλι -μετά το 2016- εδώ:


Βρισκόμαστε μπροστά στην πρώτη 1η, από δώδεκα 12 σελίδες,
γεμάτες με links.

Πάμε πάνω-πάνω, στο πρώτο-πρώτο κίτρινο εικονίδιο τύπου folder,
και πατάμε με το ΔΕΞΙ πλήκτρο πάνω στο όνομα: "Files", οπότε
ανοίγει ένα menu μιας γραμμής που λέει: "V Download".
Το πατάμε με το ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟ πλήκτρο, ΑΓΝΟΟΥΜΕ τις ανόητες
παροτρύνσεις, που έτσι ή αλλιώς ΔΕΝ παίζουν, καθώς και ό,τι
άλλο "συμβαίνει" και κάνουμε ΛΙΓΟ υπομονή, μέχρις ότου ανοίξει
ένα παράθυρο, που αναφέρει το "Files.zip", όπου και
διαλέγουμε το "(ο) Save File".

Ξεζιπάρουμε το [Files.zip], βγαίνει το

[Freeware Lists (2017.10.10).zip]

και ξαναξεζιπάρουμε, βγαίνει το folder

[Freeware Lists (2017.10.10)]

όπου μπαίνοντας μέσα εκεί βρισκόμαστε μπροστά σε ένα τεράστιο
κατεβατό από 224 .txt files, με ονόματα δηλωτικά του
περιεχομένου τους, όπως π.χ. το:

[Freeware - 3D Graphics & Modeling (8.16).txt]

που είναι επίσης εντυπωσιακά γεμάτο από .txt links, δηλαδή αν
όχι άχρηστα εν πάση περιπτώσει όχι άμεσα χρησιμοποιήσιμα ως

Χρειαζόμαστε, λοιπόν, έναν viewer που θα εμφανίζει τα .txt
links σε clickable links.

Από το [alt.comp.freeware] του USENET, ο John Corliss μού
υπέδειξε το Freeware [Jarte], που είχε ως Payware το
ενισχυμένο Jarte Plus, το οποίο όμως έγινε εν τω μεταξύ κι
αυτό Freeware:

Download Jarte Plus 6.2 Installation File (0 MB)

Έτσι, ανοίγοντας τώρα εκεί μέσα το:

[Freeware - 3D Graphics & Modeling (8.16).txt]

τα links γίνονται clickable - με [CTRL]+

Ένας άλλος τρόπος, βέβαια, είναι copy-paste εδώ μέσα
στον editor του forum...

: )

= Όμως, ποια από αυτά είναι Active;
= Και, ποιο Περιεχόμενο έχουν;

- Χμ... Την Εργασία του 2016, όπου:

[2] 2016 : Μικραίνουμε το καλάθι του 2010... - Re: Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

και μάλιστα για μία και μόνη λίστα του waσbit, δεν ξανακαθόμαστε
τώρα πια, το 2020, να την ξανακάνουμε και -αναπόφευκτα- το καλάθι να
το ξαναμικρύνουμε ...

: D
Δημοσιεύσεις: 954
Εγγραφή: 03 Ιούλ 2016, 01:51
Ονομα: pez
Τοποθεσία: eu

By John Corliss : My Version of Wasbit's "Main Freeware Sites" list - Re: Διαδίκτυο - Ξανά !

Δημοσίευση από pez »

- Διορθώσεις - 3η φορά - 1.9.2020 -
- Αυτή κι αν ήταν Εργασία. Κάθισε και την έκανε. Ο John Corliss. Ένα-Ένα. Όλα τα links. Και με σχόλια.
| From: "John C." <r9jmg0@yahoo.com>
| Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
| Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 19:48
| Subject: My version of Wasbit's "Main Freeware Sites" list
I went through the list and spent the last three hours doing it. I will
not repeat this experience ever again. Anyway, here is what I came up with:
Freeware - Sites

* = Not all free (not complete)

The Main Download sites

Chip.EU - http://download.chip.eu/en/ "Server not found"
Cnet* - http://download.cnet.com/windows/ OK
CodePlex - http://www.codeplex.com/ Dead, now archived.
Download.com - www.download.com OK
FileHippo - http://www.filehippo.com/ OK
FreeDownloadCentre* - www.freedownloadscenter.com OK
Freeware World Team - now Primewares
Gizmo's Freeware - http://www.techsupportalert.com/ OK
Major Geeks* - http://www.majorgeeks.com/ OK
Microsoft - www.microsoft.com/downloads/ OK
Nonags - http://www.nonags.com/ Now a healthy lifestyle website.
OSSwin (Open Source) - http://osswin.sourceforge.net/ OK
OStatic* - http://ostatic.com/ OK
PcWorld* - http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/ No freeware there that I could find.
Priclessware - http://www.pricelessware.org/thelist/index.htm 404ed.
Primewares - http://primewares.com/ "Primewares is no more..."
SnapFiles* - http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/ OK
Sofotex - http://www.sofotex.com/freeware.html Timed out.
Soft32 - www.soft32.com OK
Softpedia* - http://www.softpedia.com/ OK
Sourceforge - http://sourceforge.net/ 0K
Tucows* - www.tucows.com/ No idea what that website is about now.
Zdnet - downloads-zdnet.com Now it's: https://downloads.zdnet.com/

Old Versions

Disappeared sites - http://www.searchlores.org/fu_speci.htm#disapp Redirects to https://web.archive.org/web/20191221135 ... htm#disapp
Internet Archive - http://www.archive.org/index.php Redirects to https://archive.org/
Last Freeware Version - http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html OK
Old Apps - http://www.oldapps.com/ OK
Old-Software - http://www.old-software.com/ Redirects to untrusted website.
Old Version.com - http://www.oldversion.com/ OK
Old-Versions.net - http://old-versions.net/ Redirects to another unrelated website.
Old-Versions.org - http://www.old-versions.org/ Redirects to untrusted website
OldWare - http://www.oldware.org/ "Server not found"
Similar Site Search - http://www.similarsitesearch.com/ OK
Version Download - http://www.versiondownload.com/ "Server not found"
Vetusware - http://vetusware.com/ OK
Wayback Machine - http://www.archive.org/web/web.php OK

1-4a - http://www.1-4a.com/ OK
100 Downloads - http://100-downloads.com/ OK
1000 files* - http://www.1000files.com/ Certificate problems.
2-software - http://www.2-software.net/ OK
2BrightSparks* - http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/index.html OK
321download (= Last Freeware Version) - http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html Already mentioned above.
450+ common problems solved - http://www.econsultant.com/i-want-freeware-utilities/ OK
46 Best freeware - http://www.techsupportalert.com/best_46 ... lities.htm OK
A+ Freeware - http://www.aplusfreeware.com/ OK
A Kaestner (98+dos,German) - http://a-kaestner.de/ OK
AbleStable - http://www.ablestable.com/resources/free/free.html OK
Absolute Free Software - http://www.absolutefreesoftware.co.uk/ Not Found
Absolute Freebies - http://www.absolutefreebies.com/best_freeware.html 404ed Not Found
Absolute Freeware (Arjan) - http://www.arjan.org/ German, hard to tell.
AbsolutelyFreebies - http://www.absolutelyfreebies.com/downl ... Categories OK
AbsolutelyFreeware - http://www.absolutelyfreeware.com/ OK
Axcel216 (now MDGx) - http://www.mdgx.com/ OK
ACF wiki (Hard-to-find list) - http://acfwiki.pbwiki.com/FileArchives OK
ACF wiki (No-install list) - http://acfwiki.pbwiki.com/NoInstallFreeware OK
ADRAS - http://www.adras.com/Freeware.s81.html OK
Adrian Carter - http://www.homestead.com/adriancarter/Index.html Forwards to http://adriancarter.homestead.com/index.html
AfterDawn* - http://www.afterdawn.com/software/ OK
Alex Nolan - http://www.alexnolan.net/software/ OK
Alex Vallet - http://www.byalexv.co.uk/ OK
All Freeware - http://www.all-freeware.com/ Server not found
AnalogX - http://www.analogx.com/ OK
Antoine - http://www.freewarefrance.com/ "Site not installed"
Arjan - http://www.arjan.org/ Already mentioned above, and German, so hard to tell.
Audiosoft - http://www.audiosoft.info/Free/ Times out.
AumHa Freeware Portal - http://aumha.org/freeware/freeware.php#restore
Use http://aumha.org/freeware/freeware.php instead.

BA Roberson - http://brian.arthur.robertson.googlepag ... eesoftware OK
BearWare - http://bearware.info/archive.html "Server not found"
Ben Ritchley (cMech) - http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/ "Content not found"
Benchmark HQ - http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/english.html OK
Best Freeware (vbmark) - http://www.vbmark.com/ "Site under reconstructive surgery."
Best Freeware Download - http://www.bestfreewaredownload.com/ OK
Better Windows Software* - http://betterwindowssoftware.com/bwshome.php Blank, gray page.
Blue Five - http://bluefive.pair.com/free_computer_software.htm OK
Bob's Freeware - http://bellsouthpwp2.net/b/o/bobad/ Domain for sale
Bodo Wolff - http://www.bodo-wolff.de/?tu=Home "Server not found"
BoostWare - http://www.boostware.com/ "Server not found"
Brothersoft* - http://freeware.brothersoft.com/ "The connection has timed out"
Browser Tools* - http://browsertools.net/downloads.html OK
Bt Square peg - http://members.tripod.com/square_peg/freestuff/ The site is gone.
Buzzy - http://www.buzzys.net/ Now a gambling site.

Caiman free games - http://www.caiman.us/ OK
Camera & Mini Drives Data Recovery - http://www.s2services.com/cameraundeletefreeware.htm 404ed
Camtech* - http://camtech2000.net/ Domain is for sale.
Canadian Content - http://www.canadiancontent.net/tech/freeware/ OK
Centralsoftware - http://freeware79.googlepages.com/ OK
Chris's (AI,95 & dos) - http://chris.mysteryfcm.co.uk/ Connection times out.
Clark Howard - http://www.clarkhoward.com/news/clark-h ... rnet/nFgG/ Forwards to non-freeware website.
Cleansoftware - http://www.cleansoftware.org/ Domain expired.
Click-now* - http://www.click-now.net/downloads.htm 404ed
Clif Notes - http://freewarewiki.pbworks.com/ OK
cMech = Ben Ritchley <--- No link was provided.
CodePlex - http://www.codeplex.com/ Mentioned above, archived now.
Coma's Freeware - http://www.algonet.se/~hubbabub/freeware/freeware.html 404ed
Completely Free Software (CFS) - http://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/ OK
Compufiles - http://www.compufiles.com/av.html Domain is for sale.
ComputerBoom.com - Domain is for sale.
Computer Games - http://www.com-games.com/ Broken website.
Concise Freeware - http://www.concisefreeware.com/ "Server not found"
Crazy Pixels - http://www.crazypixels.com/freeware.htm OK
Curtis Land - http://www.telusplanet.net/public/curtnel/ "Due to aging hardware, TELUS has made the decision to shutdown Subscriber Web Domain Hosting and FTP Service. All associated websites are no longer available. If you are attempting to access a website no longer available, please contact the website administrator. Subscriber Web Services will cease operations as of October 1, 2020."
Cute Apps* - http://www.cuteapps.com/ OK
Cylog - http://www.cylog.org/index.asp OK

Danish Shareware* - http://www.danish-shareware.dk/ Not sure.
Data recovery (socrtwo) - http://www.s2services.com/ OK
Dave's Computer Tips - http://www.davescomputertips.com/index.php OK
Decent Downloads - http://www.freedecentdownloads.com/ "Server not found"
Deepesh Agarwal software - http://www.freeware-alternative.uni.cc/ Site looks broken.
DigitalArena - http://www.digitalarena.co.uk/ OK
Digital Digest* - http://www.digital-digest.com/software/listall.php OK
Dirfile - http://www.dirfile.com/ Domain expired.
Dirk Loss - http://www.dirk-loss.de/win-tools.htm Moved to GitHub: https://github.com/dloss/windows-tools-on-cdrom
Dmoz - http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Freeware/ 400 Bad Request
Doc's Downloads* - http://www.docsdownloads.com/ Blank, gray page.
Donation Coder - http://www.donationcoder.com/ OK
Don't Crack (audio freeware) - http://www.dontcrack.com/freeware/ OK
Download.com* - http://www.download.com/ OK, I guess.
Download32 - http://www.download32.com/ OK
Download AtoZ* - http://www.downloadatoz.com/ I wouldn't, but your call.
Download Center24 - http://downloadcenter24.com/updates/ Forwards to a junkware website.
Download Dossier - http://www.downloaddossier.com/www/dl/index.php Bland, gray page.
DownloadPlex - http://www.downloadplex.com/ Connection times out.
Downloads 3k* - http://www.download3k.com/ OK
Downloads.com - www.download.com OK, I guess.
Downloads Machine - http://www.ftpmachine.co.uk/ "Server not found"
Dragon Freeware - http://www.dragonfreeware.com/ "Server not found"
Dr Freeware - http://drfreeware.com/ Domain is for sale.
Dubber's Computer Resources - http://dubber6.tripod.com/whereisit/index.html OK
Dutch Jewel - http://thedutchjewel.defcon5.biz/index.html "Server not found"

Elmer's* - http://www.syix.com/elmer/index.htm "Secure Connection Failed"
Emule - http://software.emule.com/ "Server not found"
Encoderx - http://encoderx.co.uk/ Now a poker website.

Fantastic Freeware (Jason Von Ruden) - http://www.fantasticfreeware.com/ OK
Fatwallet - http://www.fatwallet.com/t/28/511697/ Operations are closed.
FileFlash* - http://www.fileflash.com/ OK
FileForum - http://fileforum.betanews.com/ OK
File Hippo - http://www.filehippo.com/ OK
Filehorse - http://www.filehorse.com/ OK
FileHungry - http://www.filehungry.com/english/ Redirects to a blank, gray website.
Filepuma - https://www.filepuma.com/ OK
Files32* - http://www.files32.com/ Blank, gray page.
Filesland* - http://www.filesland.com/ Redirects to http://www.ashkon.com/, which may or may not be freeware.
FilesRiver - http://www.filesriver.com/ OK
Filetransit* - http://www.filetransit.com/ OK
Fixdisk - http://www.fixdisk.co.uk/ "Server not found"
Free Codecs* - http://www.free-codecs.com/index-Freeware.htm 404ed
Free Country - see TheFreeCountry
FreeDownloadCentre* - www.freedownloadscenter.com OK
Free Downloads* - www.free-downloads.net/ OK
FreeDownloads* - http://www.freedownloads.be/ Redirects to http://www.trisco.be/, which is in Dutch.
Free email software - http://www.thefreesite.com/Email_Freebi ... _software/ OK
Free Geekery - http://www.rewardprograms.org/thefreege ... needs.html Bland, gray page.
Free Network Tools - http://www.nsauditor.com/freeware/index.html OK
Free Programming Tools - http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/utility.html "Page NOT Found"
Free Software for Dos - http://www.glennmcc.org/ OK
Free Stuff - http://www.refdesk.com/free.html OK
Free Tools - http://www.spadixbd.com/freetools/ OK
FreebieList.com - http://www.freebielist.com/ OK
Freebyte - http://www.freebyte.com/ Connection times out.
Free-Codecs.com - http://www.free-codecs.com/index-Freeware.htm 404ed
Freesoft411 - http://www.freesoft411.com/ "Server not found"
FreeSoftware4All - http://www.freesoftware4all.co.uk/ OK
FreeSoftwareHome - http://www.freesoftwarehome.com/ OK
Free-Software-Downloads - http://free-software-downloads.org/ "FSD is temporary closed for maintenance."
FreeSoftwareDownloadBlogspot - http://freesofwaredownload.blogspot.com/
Redirected to a "Server not found"
Freeware 4PC - http://www.freeware4pc.com/listall.shtml "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"
Freeware 4u (burnr) - http://freeware4u.com/ Domain is for sale.
Freeware 79 - http://freeware79.googlepages.com/ OK
Freeware 98 - http://www.freeware98.org/ "Server not found"
Freeware-Alternative - http://www.freeware-alternative.uni.cc/ Broken website.
Freeware Arena - http://www.freewarearena.com/html/ "Server not found"
Freeware Asylum - http://freewareasylum.com/home/ Redirects to untrusted website.
Freeware Beast - http://www.freewarebeast.com/ Redirects to https://www.freeware-antivirus.com/
Freeware Box - http://www.freewarebox.com/ "This Page Is Under Construction"
Freeware Catalog - http://freeware.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Redirects to https://freeware.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page
Freeware de.(German) - http://www.freeware.de/downloads/ OK
Freeware Directory - http://www.freewaredirectory.net/ OK
Freeware Eldorado - http://fware-eldorado.8k.com/ "Server not found"
Freeware Everywhere - http://www.oocities.com/siliconvalley/h ... ndex2.html OK
Freeware Files - http://www.freewarefiles.com/ OK
Freeware Files Collection - http://sundrytools.com/freeware-files/ OK
Freeware Find (closed) - http://www.freewarefind.com/ "This Page Is Under Construction"
Freeware Fonts - http://www.freewarefonts.com/ Page is mostly blank.
Freeware for Pc - http://www.freeware4pc.com/ 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"
Freeware for Palm Pc - http://www.freewarepalm.com/ OK, but Palm OS is discontinued.
Freeware for Pocket pc - http://www.freewareppc.com/ OK
Freeware Gamer - http://www.freewaregamer.com/ Connection times out.
Freeware Genius - http://freewaregenius.com/ OK
Freeware Graveyard - http://fwg.raum108.de/ Content has been discarded.
Freeware Guide (Thorsten Duhn) - http://www.freeware-guide.com/ Domain is suspended.
Freeware Hits - <---- No link was provided.
Freeware Home - http://www.freewarehome.com/ Connection times out.
Freeware Java - http://www.freewarejava.com/ OK
Freeware list - http://freewarelist.net/ Blank, gray page.
- http://freewarelist.net/sitemap.html Blank, gray page.
- http://www.freewarelist.com/ Domain is for sale.
- http://www.freewarelist.com/exitpaged/Technology.php Domain is for sale.
Freeware Mission - http://www.freewaremission.com/best-freeware/ OK
Freeware Network - http://www.fwnetwork.com/ Blank, gray, untrusted page.
Freewareone - http://freewareone.com Blank, gray page.
Freeware Outpost - http://freewareoutpost1.blogspot.com/ OK, but author seems to have given up.
Freeware Pharmacy - http://www.freewarepharmacy.com/ "Server not found"
Freeware Planet - http://www.freewareplanet.net/ Forwarded to untrusted page.
Freeware Pro - http://www.freewarepro.com/ No longer has anything to do with freeware.
Freeware pub - http://www.freewarepub.org/ OK? You be the judge.
Freeware Software - http://www.howtonew.com/ Blank, gray page.
Freeware Stop - http://www.freewarestop.com/ OK
Freeware Wiki - http://freewarewiki.pbwiki.com/ OK
Freeware World Team (now Primewares) - http://primewares.com/links.php?notice=on Blank, gray page.
Freeware Zoom - http://www.freewarezoom.com/ Connection times out.
Freeware sites (old) - http://web.archive.org/web/200503030151 ... sites.html OK
FreeWR - http://www.freewr.com/ "Server not found"
Fresh Devices* - http://freshdevices.com/files.php OK, but be careful. Limewire is listed there.
Freshmeat - http://freshmeat.net/ Redirects to http://freshmeat.sourceforge.net/
FromAtoZdownloads* - http://www.azdownloads.info/Utilities/P ... -Recovery/ OK
FSF/UNESCO - http://directory.fsf.org/all/ OK
FutureQuest -http://service.futurequest.net/index.ph ... ds&_a=view OK

GameHippo - http://gamehippo.com/ Blank, gray page.
Gary Beene - http://www.garybeene.com/free/fr-freeware.htm OK
George Dillon - http://www.georgedillon.com/freeware/freeware.shtml OK
GhostHunter - http://ghosthunter.true.ws/ Blank, dark gray page.
Gizmo's Freeware
- http://www.techsupportalert.com/ OK
- http://www.techsupportalert.com/user-lists OK
GlennMCC - http://www.glennmcc.org/ OK
Golden's Webwatchers - http://freehomepages1.tripod.com/freewaremain.html OK (but really old)
Gratilog (Ninou,French) - http://www.gratilog.net/xoops/ OK
GRC - http://www.grc.com/freepopular.htm OK
GT Download - http://www.gtdownload.com Now a poker website.

HDClone - http://www.miray.de/products/sat.hdclone.html#free OK, but mixed with $ware.
Henry The Mole (The Molezone) - http://htmole.altervista.org/mainpage.htm Site is gone.
Hiren & Pankaj - http://www.hiren.info/ OK - http://www.hiren.info/downloads/freeware-tools/1 OK
HsinLin - http://www.hsinlin.com/index.html Connection timed out.
Humperlinks(kids) - www.humpherlinks.co.uk/ Nothing to do with freeware. Missing childrens website.

Inky's (Josh Mayfield) - http://inky.50megs.com/myprograms.html OK
Iobit - http://iobit.com/ OK
IT Pro* - http://itprodownloads.com/ Redirects to https://www.informationweek.com/software.asp
iTips - http://www.itips.nl/eng/ 404ed

J44xm's Favorite Windows Freeware -
Jeh's freeware - http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/freeware/ "Server not found"
Jeh's Webtools - http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/webtools/ "Server not found"
Jumbo* - http://www.jumbo.com/ Now some kind of food website.
Just Download - http://just-download.com/ OK

Karen's PowerTools
- http://www.karenware.com/ OK
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170619112 ... powertools OK
Katho.be = http://www.freewarepub.org/ Looks like some kind of "free stuff" website. Crap like supplements.
Kids freeware - http://kidsfreeware.com/ OK
Kikizas.net - http://www.kikizas.net/en/ Website is mostly blank.
kikizas (usb apps) - http://www.kikizas.net/en/usbapps.html Website is mostly blank.
Kool Lite Tools - http://www.klitetools.com/ OK

Lankansoft - www.lankansoft.com "Server not found"
Last Freeware Version - http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html OK
List of OS software - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms OK
List of Lists - http://lists.thedatalist.com/ OK
Loop (List of Open Source Programs for Windows) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms OK

Macallan - http://macallan.club.fr/MMS/index.html "Server not found"
Mad-Monkey - http://www.mad-monkey.co.uk/cgi-bin/default.pl?03,home, OK
MajorGeeks* - http://www.majorgeeks.com/ OK
Making Music (3 part freeware blog) - http://making-music.blogspot.com/2006/0 ... tware.html Redirects to https://www.svartling.net/2006/01/big-l ... tware.html
Mark Overmars - http://www.cs.uu.nl/~markov/kids/index.html Redirects to a 404ed website.
MDGx (was Axcel216) - http://www.mdgx.com/ OK
Mercury - http://www.mercury.org.uk/interind.htm OK
Merijn.org - http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/programs.php Redirects to untrusted website.
Microsoft - www.microsoft.com/downloads/ OK
Microsoft Powertoys - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/down ... rtoys.mspx "Your request has been blocked"
Mighty Joe's - http://mightyjoesfree.blogspot.com/ OK
Miha's Utilities - http://www.mihov.com/eng/ OK
Mike Lin's - http://www.mlin.net/index.shtml "File not found"
Mikey's - http://www.softcom.net/users/mikey719/a ... -page.html Redirects to ISP ad. MiTeC (f+s) - http://www.mitec.cz/ OK
Mohawke's Best - http://www.digitaldarknet.net/thelist/i ... ge=windows OK
Music freeware - http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/freeware/XP/ OK - Hitsquad - http://www.hitsquad.com/prevhitsquadfront/ OK
MustHaveCd - http://www.musthavecd.com/ "Server not found"
MyFreePrograms - http://www.myfreeprograms.com/ "Server not found"
Myzips* - http://www.myzips.com/ OK

Nearfile - https://nearfile.com/ OK, but adblocker warning
NedWolf - http://nedwolf.com/ Just his face and about him.
Netbook Files.com - http://www.netbookfiles.com/ OK
Network DLS - http://networkdls.com/ OK
New Freeware - http://www.nfreeware.com/ OK
Ninite - see Installers
NirSoft - http://www.nirsoft.net/ OK
N01getsout - http://www.n01getsout.com/ Website is gone.
Nonags - http://www.nonags.com/ LONG LONG DEAD.
Nondisputandum - http://www.nondisputandum.com/ "Forbidden"
Nsane - http://www.nsaneproductions.com/ "Server not found"

Old Apps - http://www.oldapps.com/ OK
Older Geeks - https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/index.php OK
OldVersion - http://www.oldversion.com/ OK
Only Freeware - http://freeware.intrastar.net/ OK
Only Freewares - http://www.onlyfreewares.com/ OK
Onlythebest - http://www.onlythebestfreeware.com/ Domain has expired.
Open Directory - http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_ ... Redirects/ "400 Bad Request"
Open Cd (no longer developed) - http://theopencd.org/ "Open CD is no longer under active development"
OpenSource Free Cd - http://www.opensourcefreecd.org/ Domain has expired.
Opensource Freeware - http://www.econsultant.com/i-want-open- ... index.html OK
Open Source God - http://mashable.com/2007/09/23/open-source/ OK
OpenSource Windows - http://www.opensourcewindows.org/ OK
Openwares - http://www.openwares.org/ Redirects to untrusted website.
Osswin - http://osswin.sourceforge.net/ OK
Otter Dad - http://www.nettally.com/waldoe/freeware/ OK
Outside The Box (Douglas Good) - http://otbsw.com/ Domain is for sale.

- http://www.paehl.de OK
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... NJSjYzbEk= 400 error
PC Advisor (UK mag) - http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/downloads/windows/ Redirects to https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/download/windows/
PcMedix - http://www.pcmedixwebs.com/download.htm Domain is for sale.
Pc-tools (Jim Berkes) - http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/ OK
Pc Freeware - http://www.pcpages.com/pcfreeware/ Domain is for sale.
PC Utilities (Uk mag) - http://www.magnesiummedia.com/pcutilities/ Page is gone.
Pcwin* - http://pcwin.com/ OK
PcWorld* - http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/ OK, but mixed.
Photo-Freeware - http://www.photo-freeware.net/ OK
Photoshoppix top 300 freeware (slow) - http://www.photoshoppix.com/Content/pid=131.html 404ed
PocketDownload - http://www.pocketdownload.com Domain for sale.
Poko's - http://manitoulinislandindex.com/ OK
Portable Apps - http://portableapps.com/ OK
Portable freeware - http://portablefreeware.com/ OK
Pricelessware (now hosted at) - http://www.manitoulinislandindex.com/re ... eware.html OK
Pricelessware (original) - http://www.pricelessware.org 404ed
ProgramFiles* - http://www.programfiles.com/ "Server not found"
Prospector (Word Processing) - http://www.prospector.cz/Freeware/ OK

Qleeq* - http://qleeq.com/index.php Website is gone.
Quality Windows 3.x freeware - <----No link was provided.
Qweas* - http://www.qweas.com/os/freeware/ OK

Radified - http://radified.com/Articles/freeware.htm OK
Real Free Software - http://www.realfreesoftware.com/ Domain is for sale.
Real Freeware (Doys) - http://freeware-us.doy.nl/ OK
ReallyEffective - http://www.reallyeffective.co.uk/index.php OK
ReallyRare(audio)Wares - http://www.rjamorim.com/rrw/programs.html 404ed
Reboot Pro - http://reboot.pro/files/ 500 Internal Server Error

Safe Free Software - http://www.safefreesoftware.com/ Website is broken or gone.
SafeWorld* - http://soft.safeworld.info/catalog.asp Website is broken or gone.
Scott's Freeware Goodies - no longer active
Scovetta (Michael) Archives - http://www.scovetta.com/tools.html "Oops! That page can’t be found."
Seek Freeware - http://www.seekfreeware.com/ "Server not found"
Select freeware - http://www.selectfreeware.com/ Redirects to https://www.bizthrust.com/select-freeware/
Serif free software - http://www.freeserifsoftware.com/ OK, if you trust them. IIRC they're notorious for spamming peole to death.
Sixfiles - http://www.sixfiles.com/freeware.php Domain is for sale.
Slovak Antivirus Centre*
- http://www.sac.sk/ OK
- http://esca.atomki.hu/paradise/sac/utiltext.html "Server not found"
Small Simple Software - http://www.smallsimplesoftware.com/ "Server not found"
Snapfiles* - http://www.snapfiles.com/ OK
Snapfiles Freeware - http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/freeware.html OK
SofoTex - http://www.sofotex.com/freeware.html Connection timed out.
Soft32 - www.soft32.com OK
SoftBulldog - http://www.softbulldog.com/ Your guess is as good as mine.
Softpedia* - http://www.softpedia.com/ OK
Soft Tester* - http://www.softtester.com/ OK
Software4free - http://www.software4free.nl/ Redirects to https://www.gratissoftware.nu/?utm_sour ... tware4free
Software & Games* - http://www.softwareandgames.com/ OK
Software Archive* - http://www.archive.org/details/software OK
Software for Starving Students(cd) - http://softwarefor.org/faq.html Blank, gray website.
Software Villa - https://www.softwarevilla.com/ OK
SourceForge - http://sourceforge.net/ OK
Starburst - http://www.starburst2005.com/index.html "Server not found"
Statistical freeware - http://statistiksoftware.com/free_software.html OK
Sticksite - http://www.sticksite.com/freeware/ Blank, gray website.
Stuff - http://stuff.goatdairying.com/howto/howto.html Domain is for sale.
Superfiles - http://www.superfiles.com/ OK
Sysinternals(now MS) - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysint ... fault.mspx Now it's https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/

TechRepublic - http://software.techrepublic.com.com/se ... ilter=free Blocked by uBlock extension.
TechSpot - http://www.techspot.com/downloads.html OK
Tech Support Alert = Gizmo's <--- No link provided.
TeraByte(boot/image) - http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/utilities.html Redirects to https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/downl ... ftware.htm
TheAllINeed - http://www.theallineed.com/freeware/ OK
TheCaveFreeware - http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/bat/ OK
TheFreeCountry - http://www.thefreecountry.com/ OK
TheFreeSite - http://www.thefreesite.com/ OK
TheFreewareMotherload - now Select Freeware (http://www.selectfreeware.com/) Redirects to https://www.bizthrust.com/select-freeware/
TheFreewareSite - http://www.thefreewaresite.com/ OK
TheFreeWeb (closed) - http://www.thefreeweb.net/ OK
The Mole Zone (Henry The Mole) - http://htmole.altervista.org/mainpage.htm "The web site has been archived"
The Software Patch - http://www.softwarepatch.com/index.html Page can't be found.
The Windows Club - http://www.thewindowsclub.com/list-free ... ndows-club OK
Tiny apps - http://www.tinyapps.org/ OK
Tonys Freewarepage - http://www.tonysfreeware.com/ Website is gone.
Top20 Free - http://www.top20free.com/software.html Blocked by uBlock.
Top 300 - http://www.winaddons.com/top-300-freeware-software/ Blank, gray website.
TopDownloads* - http://www.topdownloads.net/ Blank, gray website.
Top Freeware (tf76) - http://www.topfreeware.net/ OK
TopQualityFreeware - http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/ Redirected to untrusted website.
Tsm - http://www.tsm-soft.com/ OK
TTCS Osswin Cd - http://www.ttcsweb.org/osswin-cd/index.htm Connection timed out.
Tucows* - http://www.tucows.com/Windows OK
Tudogs(req sign up) - http://www.tudogs.com/ Redirected to untrusted website.
Twinklesoft - http://www.twinklesoft.com/index.html Domain is for sale.

UBCD - http://www.ubcd4win.com/index.htm OK
Ubuntu Looplist(ok for Windows) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListO ... cePrograms OK
Under 100kb - http://321download.com/under100/ OK
Ur I.T. Mate Group (Steven Burn) - http://www.it-mate.co.uk/ OK
Utility Geek* - http://www.utilitygeek.com/index.php OK

Vetusware (abandonware) - http://vetusware.com/ OK
Vicky's Cool Softwares - http://www.vcsoftwares.com/ OK
VicMan Software - http://www.vicman.net/lib/ Redirects to https://software.informer.com/wpc/
Voodoo files* - http://www.voodoofiles.com/ Redirects to broken website.

Wantdbest - http://www.wantdbest.com/ Mostly blank, white website.
Warsoft* - http://www.ware8.com/ Redirects to unsafe website.
WebAttack(now Snapfiles) - www.snapfiles.com/ OK
WebGrid - http://www.webgrid.co.uk/ OK, but not sure if same website.
Wikipedia list - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_op ... e_packages OK
WinAddons* - http://www.winaddons.com/ Redirects to untrusted website.
Windows 7 Download - http://www.windows7download.com/ OK
Windows Toolbox - http://thegoldenear.org/toolbox/windows/ Opens a download of some kind. I don't trust it.
Winfiles - http://www.winfiles.com/ Redirects to https://download.cnet.com/
WinSite - http://www.winsite.com/ OK
WinTotal(German) - http://www.wintotal.de/Software/ OK
Witts End oldies but Goodies Freeware - http://www.wittswallpapers.com/Oldies/indexoldies.html Blank, gray website.
Wounded Moon (now hosted at) - http://www.manitoulinislandindex.com/wo ... irror.html OK

xpefiles - http://xpefiles.com/cs/ Domain is for sale.

Yesit'sfree - http://www.yesitsfree.co.uk/ OK, but it's a "free stuff" website.

Zdnet*(& Cnet) - http://downloads.zdnet.com/ OK
Zhorn (Tom Revell) - http://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/index.html OK


(Links checked out by John Corliss)

John Corliss BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
posts made from Google Groups and cross-posted messages. I recommend you
do likewise.
| From: "pez" <pez.δοτ.usenet-ατ-gmail.com>
| Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
| Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 23:20
| Subject: Re: My version of Wasbit's "Main Freeware Sites" list
| - Great! Thank you very much!

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